Friday, October 26, 2007

What is the Difference?

Look at this picture.....this is a child with a broken leg which is quite obvious.
His broken leg is of course something that is visibly seen....If it was his spirit or his heart that was broken it would not be so obvious.
Children that are sexually abused have learned to hide their "breaks" well. Children are abused all over the world every single day - whether it is physical abuse or sexual abuse. Most times people will say something like, "how sad", or "oh that is horrible"....and continue to go on with their lives thinking that it would never hit them personally and close to home....It happens - more often than you can imagine.
It is time to stop all of the "I wish there was something I could do" thoughts and ACT upon this. These children need our love and support.
Sexual abuse is not something that only affects low income or 3rd world countries. There are children of all walks of life that are being abused. In fact in the time that it has taken to read this blog there are children being tortured and suffering abuse right now, somewhere in this country. We take the time to read to our children, take them to the circus, teach them how to ride a bike etc....however do we really spend enough time talking to them about personal safety? It is something that can be done without using heavy, deep rooted words....something as simple as "never let anyone touch you where your bathing suit covers" works very well.
The day your child was born it was your responsibility to protect them. This has got to be the ultimate protection that you can offer to your child. Think of it as being no different than if someone approached your child with a gun pointed at them, threatening to kill them - most parents would jump in front of the gun to protect their child....this is no different.
Please take time to talk to a child in your life whether it is your child, your grandchild, niece, nephew to them about personal safety.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Boldness of Sex Offenders

At a Walmart store a convicted sex offender who had in the past not complied with the sex offender registry in his state, recently posed as a police officer and told a little girl that he had to check her pockets. While checking her "pockets" he molested the child right in the crowded Walmart store.
When this story broke it just sickened children are not even safe at Walmarts? In public? We have been hearing about the sex predators video taping young children at parks and then posting them on websites for other sexual predators to take pleasure in.
I know, I am supposed to feel sorry for these people who have committed the unthinkable crime of harming a child....I am supposed to feel sorry for the fact that they - the predator has now instilled a hideous memory into this innocent child?
Give me a break. I think that what needs to happen is that we need to step up the preventive measures in excess. I publish a magazine that prints pictures, names, addresses, crimes committed against children under the age of 18, and offer it for free in the Siouxland area. It is very well received - however the cost of this needs to be picked up by the County. I believe that each county in the United States needs to jump on board with this and FIND the money to get this preventive tool out to parents, schools, stores, etc.
Law Enforcement finds this extremely useful. There are articles in their that teach parents how to talk to their children, who to turn to for help....hotline numbers if you have been abused.
All of you who are reading this - let me know what you think so that we can push this forward to our County governments.
And for those of you who think that it does not happen very often - think again....what if it was your child? What would you do then.